Currently available in 11 groupings, these LT-ONLINE life sciences lessons for active learning.
ANATOMY LAB collection comes with rich an d detailed histology and dissection media for teaching and assessments, including cadaveric dissections images, animal organ dissection videos and images, stylised images and exploration of anatomical models.
Created in partnership with TolTech, world leaders in anatomical imagery.
ANATOMY LAB collection comes with rich and detailed histology and dissection media for teaching and assessments, including cadaveric dissection images, animal organ dissection videos and images, stylized images, and exploration of anatomical models.Created in partnership with ToLTech, world leaders in anatomical imagery.

In the HUMAN PHYSIOLOGY LAB engage your students in hands-on learning for a deeper understanding of core physiological concepts.
Students record their own biological signals directly into Lt using our hardware and teaching kits, making scientific theory relevant and real.

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